facilitated by Tiff Beatty the offering was an invitation to activate the sacred wall. speaking the names of black women who have shaped lives into open brown bags.

the sound of avery ripping fabric could be heard throughout the services. blessing frayed handkeriefs. with reflections and his magic. Folks were invited to the altar for a healing handkerchief.

Post service life has been littered with folks sharing how the service has impacted them. Hey Love. If you came to a service does your program/handkerchief have a special home? Share below. please

Elder Lucy Smith. A faith healer. A mother. A minister. Who arrived in Chicago May 1, 1910 with her nine children grasping at her hem. We uplift Elder Lucy Smith. She answered her call to ministry and healing in 1916, forming All Nations Pentacostal Church, one prayer circle at a time. A church that was known for their women led clergy, swinging gospel and charitable contributions to the Bronzeville community. We uplift Elder Lucy Smith whose voice reached as far as Mexico via the airwaves in the innovative radio program; “Glorious Church of the Air,” We uplift Elder Lucy Smith. Who claimed to have healed over 200,000. A beloved pillar of her community that when passed was mourned across the black belt. With over 6,000 folks lining MLK drive to view her final walk. Drawn by a custom all black carriage. We uplift Elder Lucy Smith.

January 14, 1875 - June 18, 1952

a brown paper doll full of vim. a smile masking a brewing disdain. curves spiling over ideals. sweat. a fist full of bags.

We uplift Jackie Ormes. The first woman and black woman with a nationally syndicated cartoon in America. The creator of such comics as Patty n Jo’, Dixie in Harlem, & Torchy in Heartbeats. We uplift Jackie Ormes. Who settled in Chicago’s Bronzeville in 1942 and spent her career creating comics that spoke to women’s rights, environmentalism in the black community, worker’s rights and other topics that few dared to address. We uplift Jackie Ormes. The creator of the first black doll to be designed after a comic character. We uplift Jackie Ormes who was an active contributor in her community. Serving as a board member for the Dusable Musuem and South Side Community Arts Center. We uplift Jackie Ormes.

August 1, 1911 – December 26, 1985

written by Tiff Beatty our Benediction closed out each service. call and response.

Let the Glorious Church of the Air
breathe fire into our bellies
pass healing through our lungs
raise concern in our voices
be a crown upon our heads
shine a light on the needs of the young and hungry
the old and the sick
the disenfranchised
from the country folk to the city slick.
Let us gather as one holding hands, on sacred land
lifting as we climb. As they climbed.
In the name of Elder Lucy Smith,
Sister Jackie Ormes, Ms Beauty Turner, and the Lorde Audre.
Let the People’s Church of the G.H.E.T.T.O say Ase.

Let the Glorious Church of the Air
breathe fire into our bellies
pass healing through our lungs
raise concern in our voices
be a crown upon our heads
shine a light on the needs of the young and hungry
the old and the sick
the disenfranchised
from the country folk to the city slick.
Let us gather as one holding hands, on sacred land
lifting as we climb. As they climbed.
In the name of Elder Lucy Smith,
Sister Jackie Ormes, Ms Beauty Turner, and the Lorde Audre.
Let the People’s Church of the G.H.E.T.T.O say Ase.

6,251 brown bags opened and hung in the span of 30 hours by myself, Andy Bellomo, Tiff Beatty, Mono, Parker & emily Haines, Mashuka, Leon & Tori. Plus Bahati, Denenge, Ro, & Fern. stayed after Sunday's service to began folding and taking down the bags. thank you to all who took time to make real a dream of mine. I am still overwhelmed with gratitude and love.